Most searched Topics & Keywords on Google in Nepal


Most searched Topics & Keywords on Google in Nepal

 Nepali search on google on different things. We all have different interests, likes and dislikes, hobbies, and personal preferences. Sometimes we just happen to be most interested in certain topics. Here are some topics that have been most searched for in Nepal.

Most searched Topics & Keywords on Google in Nepal

What is Google?

Google is an international multinational company that is dedicated to providing Internet-related services and products. Google always provides search, cloud computing, online advertising technologies, software, and hardware. Google is one of the biggest companies in the technology industry, like, Apple, and Microsoft.

What is the top search engine in Nepal?

Google is the most searched engine in Nepal. About 95 percent of searches are done through this engine. Apart from this, searches are also done on the internet in Nepal through Bing and Yahoo searches.


Is there a Google server or office in Nepal?

Google has no branch office in Nepal. Google office in India controls in Nepal.


How many websites are now in Nepal?

The trend of online business is running in Nepal now. Due to this, the number of websites in Nepal is increasing. According to the report, more than 50,000 websites are currently active in Nepal.


What are the most searched topics on google in Nepal?

Nepalese search the internet for many things. Nepalese often search Google for food, clothing, travel, sports, social media, news, music, and more. Look at the list of the most searched topics and keywords in Nepal among them.


1.     Youtube

2.     Facebook

3.     Gmail

4.     Google

5.     Google Translate

6.     Tiktok

7.     Cricbuzz

8.     Preeti to Unicode

9.     Esewa

10.   Ratopati

11.   Hamrobazaar

12.   Daraz

13.   English to Nepali

14.   Preeti to Unicode

15.   Mero share

16.   Mero lagani

17.   Nepse

18.   La Liga

19.   Utorrent

20.   movies

21.   Twitter

22.   Mobile Game

23.   Ekantipur

24.   Google maps

25.   Rastra Bank

26.   Lakes

27.   Mountain


Creativity and Google’s relationship with Nepali

Study and creativity are rarely found in the list of most searched on google. Nepalese are very interested in social media. Nepalese seem to enjoy apps and web created by others.

Why is this happening?

Some Nepalese have also created mobile apps and websites. But they are not very popular among Nepalese. There is a need for teaching and learning in schools, colleges, and universities in Nepal.



 Millions of dollars are spent annually on social media, websites, and apps from Nepal. Nepalese also need to build such platforms worldwide. Which could only benefit the whole state.


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